Easy Grid Builder Pro XZ / XY
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This component handles all Easy Grid Builder Pro grid-based functionalities for the XY and XZ Axes. These are the cornerstone components for manipulating grid data in Easy Grid Builder Pro. These components define how the grid is oriented in your project:
XZ Axis: Uses the X and Z coordinates, ideal for 3D games, top-down views, or horizontal layouts
XY Axis: Uses the X and Y coordinates, perfect for 2D games, side-view or vertical layouts
Both these components function almost identically, with their main difference being the axis configuration. For simplicity, this documentation will focus on the Easy Grid Builder Pro XZ Component. However, rest assured that the same features and functionalities also apply to the Easy Grid Builder Pro XY Component.
You can find these two core grid scripts in the following directory: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Scripts > Core Grid Scripts > Grid Core
These scripts are attached to the EGB Pro 2 Grid XZ and EGB Pro 2 Grid XY prefabs, which are available here: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Prefabs
Grid Unique ID
The unique ID of this specific Grid.
Update Grid In Editor
Enable grid updates directly in the Unity Editor
Gird Width
Width of the grid (Number of cells along the first axis)
Grid Length
Length of the grid (Number of cells along the second axis)
Cell Size
Size of a single grid cell (1 Unit = 1 Unity unit)
Update Grid Position
Enable grid position updates during runtime.
Grid Origin
Sets the grid origin to Centered or Default.
Centered: Commonly used in most cases.
Default: Used when "Update Grid Width and Length" is enabled.
Update Grid Width and Length
Enable runtime updates for grid width and length.
Active Camera Mode
Displays the current active camera mode, useful for quick debugging.
Active Grid Mode
Displays the current active grid mode for this grid system, useful for quick debugging.
Active Grid Origin
Displays the active grid origin in world space, useful for debugging.
Active Object SO
Displays the currently active Object SO asset, useful for debugging.
Active Vertical Grid Index
Displays the current active vertical grid index, useful for debugging.
When adding a new Grid System to your scene, ensure you generate a unique Grid ID. Whether you're using the EGB Pro 2 Grid XZ or XY prefabs or adding the Grid System manually, click the Refresh button on the right to generate a new Grid Unique ID.
This is where you add your prepared Buildable SO assets. All added assets can be placed on the grid during runtime and can also be added or removed dynamically (refer to the API documentation for more details).
Buildable Grid Object SO List
List of Buildable Grid Object SO assets.
Buildable Edge Object SO List
List of Buildable Edge Object SO assets.
Buildable Corner Object SO List
List of Buildable Corner Object SO assets.
Buildable Free Object SO List
List of Buildable Free Object SO assets.
Vertical grids enable the creation of additional grids above the base grid, allowing for object placement on vertical levels, such as multi-floor buildings or unique modular designs.
Vertical Grid Count
Sets the number of grids to generate. (Default is 1, which generates only the base grid.)
Vertical Grid Height
Sets the height (distance between each vertical grid). Ignored if the Vertical Grid Count is set to 1.
Switch Vertical Grid With Input
Enable switching between vertical grids using the assigned input.
Auto Detect Vertical Grid
Enable automatic detection and switching of vertical grid levels based on the pointer's height value using Raycast.
Custom Grid Surface Layer Mask
Specifies the Layer Mask for the grid system when using a custom surface, such as Terrain or other surfaces.
Auto Detection Layer Mask
Specifies the Raycast Layer Mask for pointer height checking when Auto Detect Vertical Grid is enabled.
This section of the component manages collision checks and grid collider settings.
Collider Size Multiplier
Specifies the collider scale (1 means the collider matches the grid scale).
Lock Collider At Bottom Grid
When enabled, switching vertical grids will not affect the collider's height level.
An example of using a Collider Size Multiplier of 2 (making the collider twice the size of the grid) is shown in the top image. With this setup, you can move your ghost-buildable object outside the grid area, and it will still display because it remains within the collider's bounds. However, when the mouse pointer moves outside the collider's bounds, the ghost-buildable object visual will disappear.
When using multiple grids, ensure their colliders do not overlap to avoid potential issues.
These four sections are designed for visualizing your Grid System, each offering a unique display method:
Visual - Object Grid and Visual - Canvas Grid: Can be used both in the editor and during runtime.
Visual - Runtime Text Grid and Visual - Runtime Procedural Grid: Exclusively for runtime generation.
Each method provides a distinct approach to rendering your grid system based on your needs.
Visual - Canvas Grid was the primary grid visualization method in Easy Grid Builder Pro 1. However, with Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 introducing the new and more powerful Visual - Object Grid method, the Canvas Grid method is now considered obsolete. It may be completely removed in future updates of Easy Grid Builder Pro 2.
This is the primary grid visual solution for the Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 and it is highly customizable and performant. This visual is available in the editor and in the play mode.
Lets break down the properties of this into 3 sections. 01. Primary properties. 02. Alpha Mask properties. 03. Scrolling Noise properties.
In this section, you can configure the primary properties required for the Object Grid visual to function correctly.
Display Object Grid
Toggle to display or hide the grid overlay of Visual - Object Grid
Object Grid Prefab
Assign the prefab to be used as the visual representation of the object grid.
Cell Image Texture
Select the texture to be applied to each cell in the grid for visual customization
Grid Show Color
Set the color used to display the grid when it is visible
Grid Hide Color
Set the color used for the grid when it is hidden
Grid Show Color HDR
Enable HDR color settings for the grid's visible state, allowing for high dynamic range color customization. This color multiplies with the Grid Show Color
Grid Hide Color HDR
Enable HDR color settings for the grid's hidden state, allowing for high dynamic range color customization. This color multiplies with the Grid Hide Color
Color Transition Speed
Adjust the speed at which the grid color transitions between the show and hide states
Only Show Active Vertical Grid
Toggle to display only the currently active vertical grid, hiding all other vertical grids
Always Lock At First Grid
Toggle to lock Object Grid to the first vertical grid, regardless of other and active vertical grids
Display On Grid Mode Default
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Default (None)
Display On Grid Mode Build
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Build
Display On Grid Mode Destroy
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Destroy
Display On Grid Mode Select
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Select
Display On Grid Mode Move
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Move
The Object Grid Prefab property requires a specifically designed prefab to function correctly. A sample prefab can be found at: Assets/SoulGames/Easy Grid Builder Pro 2/Prefabs/Grid Visuals/Object Grid (Object Prefab)
This prefab consists of a Plane GameObject with a Grid Plane Shader Graph Material attached. The material dynamically renders the grid system on the plane, ensuring accurate and visually appealing grid visuals.
If you need multiple grid systems with different colors, follow these steps:
Locate the Material Navigate to: Assets/SoulGames/Easy Grid Builder Pro 2/Misc Assets/Materials/Grid Plane Shader Graph Material.mat.
Duplicate the Material Duplicate the Grid Plane Shader Graph Material to create a new instance.
Duplicate the Object Grid Prefab Find the Object Grid (Object Prefab) in: Assets/SoulGames/Easy Grid Builder Pro 2/Prefabs/Grid Visuals, duplicate it, and open the duplicated prefab in the editor.
Replace the Material In the duplicated prefab, replace the existing material with the new duplicated material.
Customize the New Grid System Use the duplicated prefab for your second grid system. You can now modify the color to set a unique color for the second grid system.
The Cell Image Texture property uses the provided sprite image to tile and create the grid's visual. Sample images are located in: Assets/SoulGames/Easy Grid Builder Pro 2/Misc Assets/Grid Textures/Cell Textures.
If you create your own image, ensure the following properties of your image:
Set its Texture Type to Sprite (2D and UI).
Set its Wrap Mode to Repeat.
In this section, you can add an alpha mask, which can be static or dynamically follow the pointer. This allows you to display the grid visual in a focused area rather than across the entire grid.
Use Alpha Mask
Toggle to enable or disable the use of the alpha mask
Alpha Mask Texture
Assign the texture to be used as the alpha mask
Mask Size
Set the base size of the alpha mask to determine the default area
Mask World Position
Specify the world position of the alpha mask when it is static
Mask Follow Cursor
Toggle to enable the alpha mask to dynamically follow the cursor position
Mask Follow Ghost Object
Toggle to enable the alpha mask to dynamically follow the position of the ghost object during placement
Mask Add Ghost Object Scale
Toggle to include the ghost object's scale to the size of the alpha mask
Custom Surface Layer Mask
Define the layer mask of the custom surfaces, if your grid is on any custom surface like terrain
Display On Grid Mode Default
Enable or disable the display of the Alpha Mask in Grid Mode Default (None)
Display On Grid Mode Build
Enable or disable the display of the Alpha Mask in Grid Mode Build
Display On Grid Mode Destroy
Enable or disable the display of the Alpha Mask in Grid Mode Destroy
Display On Grid Mode Select
Enable or disable the display of the Alpha Mask in Grid Mode Select
Display On Grid Mode Move
Enable or disable the display of the Alpha Mask in Grid Mode Move
The Alpha Mask Texture property requires a texture to define the mask for the Alpha Mask. Sample textures can be found at: Assets/SoulGames/Easy Grid Builder Pro 2/Misc Assets/Grid Textures/Alpha Mask Textures.
In these textures:
The black areas represent regions with no alpha.
The white areas represent regions where the alpha mask is applied (fully visible depending on the contrast).
In this section, you can use scrolling noise to give your grid cells an artistic touch by multiplying another texture with their alpha values. You can also add a scrolling animation in a specific direction to enhance the visual effect.
Use Scrolling Noise
Toggle to enable or disable scrolling noise
Noise Texture
Assign the texture to be used as the scrolling noise, which will be multiplied with the grid cells' alpha values
Texture Tiling
Set the tiling of the noise texture to control its scale and repetition across the grid
Texture Scrolling
Define the scrolling direction and speed of the noise texture using a Vector2 value for dynamic visual effects
The Noise Texture property uses textures to create the scrolling noise effect. Sample textures can be found at: Assets/SoulGames/Easy Grid Builder Pro 2/Misc Assets/Grid Textures/Scrolling Noise Textures.
To ensure your Scrolling Noise Texture aligns with the grid's scale, set the Texture Tiling values to match your Grid Width and Grid Length values. This ensures the texture scales proportionally with the grid.
This visual is available in the editor and in the play mode.
Display Canvas Grid
Toggle to display or hide the grid overlay of Visual - Canvas Grid
Canvas Grid Prefab
Assign the prefab to be used as the visual representation of the canvas grid.
Cell Image Sprite
Select the texture to be applied to each cell in the grid for visual customization
Grid Show Color
Set the color used to display the grid when it is visible
Grid Hide Color
Set the color used for the grid when it is hidden
Color Transition Speed
Adjust the speed at which the grid color transitions between the show and hide states
Only Show Active Vertical Grid
Toggle to display only the currently active vertical grid, hiding all other vertical grids
Always Lock at First Grid
Toggle to lock Canvas Grid to the first vertical grid, regardless of other and active vertical grids
Display On Grid Mode Default
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Default (None)
Display On Grid Mode Build
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Build
Display On Grid Mode Destroy
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Destroy
Display On Grid Mode Select
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Select
Display On Grid Mode Move
Enable or disable the display of the object grid in Grid Mode Move