Grid Cell Indicator Visual Generator
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The Grid Cell Indicator Visual Generator component is located in: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Scripts > Grid Visuals Scripts This component is very similar to the Grid Area Visual Generator component. However, it is only used in Grid Cell Indicator Prefab located in: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Prefabs > Grid Cell Indicator. This prefab is used in the Buildable Object Selector component's Grid Cell Indicator section. It displays a visual cell indicator that follows the mouse pointer and snaps to the nearest grid cell.
Warp Around Surface Below
Enables warping of the generated visual indicator to align with underlying surfaces
Custom Warp Surface Layer Mask
Specifies which layers are eligible for surface warping
Raycast Above Offset
The height above the surface from which raycasting is performed to determine the Warp Surface
Space Between Visual and Surface
The distance between to offset the visual indicator from the detected surface (This is used for offsetting the visual slightly to prevent overlapping)
Defines the shape of the generated visual indicator area (Rectangle or Circle)
Cell Size
Specifies the size of each visual cell. (While this doesn’t have to match your Grid System’s cell size, it is recommended to keep them the same in most cases)
Number of cells along the width of the visual shape
Number of cells along the length of the visual shape
Radius for circular grid visuals (This is ignored for Rectangular shape)
Enable Gizmos
Toggles the display of debugging gizmos
Enable Simplified Gizmos
Displays a simplified gizmo representation (Better for editor performance)
Gizmo Color
Sets the color for the debug gizmos
If the blue gizmos aren’t visible, ensure that "Show Gizmos" is enabled in your Scene view.
Visual Material
Material applied to the visual indicator
Cell Image Texture
The texture used for each cell in the visual indicator
Cell Show Color
Color when the generated visual is visible
Cell Hide Color
Color when the generated visual is hidden
Cell Show Color HDR
Similar to the Cell Show Color property this one uses an emissive HDR color
Cell Hide Color HDR
Similar to the Cell Hide Color property this one uses an emissive HDR color
Color Transition Speed
Speed of color transitions between show and hide
In the Visual Material property, custom materials cannot be used. Instead, you must use the specific material called Grid Quad Shader Graph Material, located in: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Misc Assets > Materials.
This material uses the Grid Quad Shader Graph shader, which is specifically designed for these components. If you need multiple versions of this material, simply duplicate it and use the duplicates with the Grid Area Visual Generator component.
For the Cell Image Texture property, you can use any of the provided cell textures located in: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Misc Assets > Grid Textures > Cell Textures, or you can use any custom cell texture you’ve designed.
You can apply a Scrolling Noise effect to the generated visual indicator, similar to the functionality available in the Visual - Object Grid section of your Easy Grid Builder Pro XZ / XY components.
Use Scrolling Noise
Enables scrolling noise textures on the generated visuals
Noise Texture
The texture used for noise
Texture Tiling
Tiling factor for the noise texture
Texture Scrolling
Scrolling speed and direction for the noise texture
For the Noise Texture property, you can use any of the provided noise textures located in: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Misc Assets > Grid Textures > Scrolling Noise Textures, or you can use any custom cell texture you’ve designed.
As mentioned earlier, this component is exclusively used with the Grid Cell Indicator Prefab in the Buildable Object Selector component. When using it, it is recommended to create a Prefab Variant to customize its values for your grid.
To create a prefab variant:
Locate the Grid Cell Indicator Prefab in: SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro 2 > Prefabs > Grid Cell Indicator.
Right-click the prefab and select Create > Prefab Variant. This will create a new version of the prefab that you can customize.
In the new prefab, modify the Grid Cell Indicator Visual Generator component to fit your requirements.
The most important value to adjust is usually the Cell Size. Set it to match your grid system's Cell Size, and make any other changes necessary to align with your scene setup.
Next, select the Buildable Object Selector GameObject located within the Grid Managers GameObject in your scene.
In the Buildable Object Selector component attached to this GameObject, locate the section for enabling the Grid Cell Indicator.
To enable this feature:
Check the Enable Grid Cell Indicator property.
Assign the new prefab variant you created to the Grid Cell Indicator Prefab property.
This setup activates the grid cell indicator functionality with your customized prefab variant.