Buildable Object Type Category SO
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Last updated
These scriptable objects store a category that can be used to categorize Buildable Grid/Free Object Type SO assets. These categories are used in Easy Grid Builder Pro UI to display buildable objects under their own category.
You can create a new scriptable object, go to Asset > Create > SoulGames > Easy Grid Builder Pro > BuildableObjectTypeCategorySO.
Category Name
Name for the category - Used in UI tooltip.
Category Icon
Icon for the category - Used in UI category buttons.
Your defined BuildableCategorySO assets should be added to Multi Grid UI Manager in order to use them. You can add as many BuildableCategorySO assets to this, even if they are not added to any Buildable Grid/Free Object Type SO assets. Doing so will create buildable categories in UI but they will be empty.
You can find pre-defined BuildableObjectTypeCategorySO assets located in EasyGridBuilder Pro > Scriptable Objects > Buildable Category SO.