Quick Size Calculator
Last updated
Last updated
This component is deprecated! And no longer available in new Easy Grid Builder Pro versions. All the Scale & Pivot calculations are now handled in Buildable Grid Object and Buildable Free Object components.
This component is used to visually calculate the buildable object's 'X' & 'Z' scale. Then you can use these scales in the BuildableGridObjectTypeSO asset to set the object's scale. This is a utility component & it is not required to function Easy Grid Builder Pro.
Object Width
Width of the visual ('X' axis)
Object Length
Length of the visual ('Z' axis)
This component draws a gizmo square in the scene to visualize the size. To use this simply add this component to the buildable object (Not to the parent, to the object that has the mesh renderer) then change Width & Length values to get a proper size and then,
use these values in your BuildableGridObjectTypeSO asset "Object Scale X" & "Object Scale Z".
After that, you can simply remove the component from the object since it is no longer needed.
As you can see in the top image this object's size is roughly 9x9. The green square is the visual representation. You can use these two values in your BuildableGridObjectTypeSO asset and then simply remove the component from the object.
NOTE: If you can't see the green gizmo square make sure to enable "show gizmos" on your scene.